Tuesday, August 19, 2008


After a long weekend, we took the day yesterday to relax, so sorry no news is good news.

The princess was at full speed today, requiring "big girl shampoo" in the shower, lotion, and a manicure & pedicure in preparation for her big day. She was adorable and all fired up! Today was the day Jenica got to pretend she was an only child and go shopping all day with GRANDMA!! Its a tradition my Mom started, she takes the kids individually, and lets the pick where they want to have lunch. Jenica picked to go The Machine Shed for lunch and then it was off to Von Maur. She apparently was extremely opinionated when choosing her new duds. She also decided she didn't need to get home to try on the clothes, and wore a heavy pink poodle dress over the top of her sundress while she shopped=). After clearing Von Maur of every outfit and shoe that she was the least bit interested in, Mom took her to the toy store. When I pulled up she was sitting at a coffee shop having lemonade and being extremely sophisticated with her new purse and cell phone. Mom also got her a little compact mirror, and she was totally enthralled with herself.....a girl after my own heart!

She passed out on the way home, and I just poured her into our bed to nap. Jet was extremely disappointed that he didnt get any clothes. I tried to explain to him that he got to go last week with Grandma and picked out everything that he wanted. I guess he thinks his shopping trip should be a daily occurrence...go figure.

I was at the office today, and decided that probably I will need to be there MUCH more in the future to accomplish the goals we have set. Fine by me.

Also, now the neighbors across from us are putting in a pool it seems too. Our neighbors behind us are just finishing up theirs, so in the spirit of keeping up with the Jones....we will begin to design ours this winter and break ground as soon as it thaws. Im pretty excited. Anything that lets our family have a relaxing time without a lot of fuss is a dream!

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